Shikoku Henro for Outside Japan


Welcome to my website. Thank you for your interest in the Shikoku Henro.


This cat is called Maneki-neko (Welcome or good fortune Kitty) in Japan.
(At the store in Temple No. 51, Ishiteji)



This site is to non-Japanese to introduce Shikoku Pilgrimage (HENRO). And a website that is the unique and only English guide maps "Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide" "Shodoshima 88 Temple Pilgrimage" and English explanation book "Visiting the Sacred Sites of Kukai".
I am publishing 3 books and doing activities to introduce, explanation and guide the Shikoku pilgrimage to outside Japan. One of them [Visiting the Sacred Sites of Kukai (Kindle)] explains the Henro, and the others are actual map book for visiting and walking on Shikoku.
In spite of these books were edited for outside Japan people, it is difficult for outside of Japan to obtain them. This site has been built for people around the world who would like to purchase these books by reasonable cost.
I love the Shikoku Henro and my hope is that the pilgrimage leads to a more wonderful stage.


外国人の方々に遍路を紹介・案内する活動をしている私は3種類の本を刊行させていただいています。そのうち "Visiting the Sacred Sites of Kukai (Kindle)" は遍路とはどのようなものであるかを説明するものであり、あとの2冊は実際に四国を歩いて巡拝するための地図です。

Manuals of Shikoku pilgrimage

A comprehensive guide on the Shikoku pilgrimage have been released by 4 languages. (As of April 2016)
I have input all my knowledge, experience, and heart and soul.
I am strongly recommended that you read the following PDF as a preliminary knowledge before you start a pilgrimage journey in Shikoku.
In addition, this PDF contains many of the contents described in [Visiting the Sacred Sites of Kukai]. (Except for the brief explanation on 238 temples and shrines)
Thank you for many cooperation, example translater, 88 temples, inside Shikoku people, and Odaishi-san.

Shikoku Japan 88 Route Giudeの情報を更新している中で、外国人の方々からの様々な質問に対応してきました。下記の文書は今まで個別に対応してきた彼らからの数々の質問や疑問を全てまとめる考え方で編集しました。日本語換算で約5万字の分量です。しかし残念ながら私の外国語に対する知識は深くなく、この原稿を外国語に翻訳する資金の見込みがないまま執筆を続けていましたが、思いもかけず徳島県観光協会から翻訳資金の提供を申し出ていただきました。この援助があったからこそ本書を4か国語(英語・フランス語・韓国語・中文繁体字)に翻訳して世に出すことができました。ここに徳島県観光協会と、私の活動の原動力となっている一人一人の外国人遍路の方々に心から感謝の意を表します。日本人向けには本文書と類似の書籍が有償で書店に並びますが、外国人にもかかわらず遍路に興味を持っていただいたことに敬意を表して無償で提供させていただきます。どうか、ご活用ください!!

Comprehensive Information not listed in "Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide"





Information of Books

The books edited by me are translatied into English from Japanese two books that are called the "Walking Henro's Bible" and were written by the late Mr. Tateki Miyazaki (1935-2010). I received permission from him to translate and edit and I had edited the information to make it easier for non-Japanese to understand. In addition I have condensed so many original and latest information by enormous documents investigations and field works.
During the period of economic growth in Japan from WW2, the Henro trail was left to decay and waste, them Mr. Miyazaki took it upon himself to resurrect the traditional trail. I understand that, with no help and no intention of commercial gain, he cleared the weeds that had overgrown the trail and set up the many, many red path markers and sign posts. It is to his achievement that Henro today can make plans and walk the Henro trail safely. I was able to meet him before his death and both his actions and his way of thinking had an influence on me. Mr. Miyazaki's activities are being continued after his death by the "Henro Michi Preservation Cooperation Association".


Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide (2024)
The detailed maps with which you can walk along the 1,137 km pilgrim trail and some explanation. (1,800 yen, tax excl.)
Shodoshima 88 Temple Pilgrimage
Also there is a unique pilgrimage on Shodoshima island in the Seto Inland Sea, north of Kagawa Prefecture. (1,200 yen, tax excl.)
Visiting tha Sacred Sites of Kukai
Amazon Kindle edition (July, 2014)
Detailed explanations for planning and walking the pilgrim trail, with information on 238 related temples. (850 yen, tax incl.)

As for "Visiting the Sacred Sites of Kukai" (Kindle edition), you can read in the smartphone even if you do not have Kindle with each amazon site around the world (US$8.5).

Visiting the Sacred Sites of Kukai (Kindle edition)はKindleがなくてもスマートフォンで読め、世界中の各アマゾンサイトで購入(US$8.5)できます。

Method of order and payment

Please refer to the International Price Chart below and send an email to me. After I verify your email address, I will send you a request (in Japanese Yen) via PayPal. As far as I know, PayPal is the lowest priced system allowing anyone with an email address and a credit card to send money internationally. After confirming your payment, I will send your books from Osaka, Japan. Because i manage this site personally, it may take 2-3 days for me to ship your order.

あなたは下のInternational Price Chart を参照して、私にe-mailを送ってください。私はあなたのe-mailを確認するとPayPalを経由してあなたにリクエストを送ります。

PayPal System

Please include the following information in your e-mail:
A : Book title
B : The number of books requested
C : Destination (receiver's address)
D : Delivery method (SAL or AIR)

A : 本のタイトル
B : 冊数
C : 送り先
D : 発送方法の選択

International Price Chart
book amount (SAL) amount (AIR)
X Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide (2023) 2,800 yen 3,000 yen
Y Shodoshima 88 Temple Pilgrimage 1,900 yen 2,000 yen
X+Y (320 gram) 4,200 yen 4,400 yen

Charges included in the above table
Books, postage, and PayPal handling charge
Payment Currencies
Please make your payment in Japanese Yen. I do not accept payment in any other currency.
Shipping Charges
Actual shipping charges depended on country. However, I don't want to discriminate and charge more or less depending on the distance from Japan, I have set the same shipping rate for all countries.
Shipping Method
I will send the books by SAL or AIR.
According to my experience, SAL seem to arrive in approximately 20-30 days, or AIR is one week-10 days. If you would like to EMS, please indicate your hope in email to me. I will inform you the cost of EMS in my email. If you approve it, I will send you a payment request via PayPal.
[Recent postal affairs by Japan Post]
Countries, can not send by SAL: around the world due to COVID-19
The foreign language poster map, a summary of the Shikoku Henro will be included in each shipment.

[最近の郵便事情 by 日本郵便]
SAL便停止の国:around the world due to COVID-19

My email

Other Sales Place (Shikoku Japan 88 Route Guide)
Inside Japan Outside Japan
Tokushima station KIOSK (side of ticket gate) Boekhandel Scheltema (Amsterdam)
Tokushima Welcome Center (in front of Tokushima station, Amico Bldg 1F) Librairie du Voyage (Rennes, France)
Monzen ichibangai (in front of Temple No.1) Travel Book Shop AG (Zürich)
Temple No.1 (Ryozenji) Geographica, Tasmanian Map Centre (Australia)
Sumotori-ya (nearby Temple No.10)
Fureainosato Sakamoto (nearby Temple Bekkaku 3)
Oyado Hiwasa (nearby Temple No.23)
Tokiwa Ryokan (Ozu, Ehime)
Minshuku, Ryokan Chochinya (in front of Temple No.46)
Map Shop Buyodo (Nihombashi 3-8-16, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)

リンク / LINK

88RG Update (August 2024)

Pilgrimage on Shikoku Island

Other works

English Henro Map Simple Chinese Henro Map
Français Henro Map Henro Pamphlet (English)
Español Henro Map Mt. Ishizuchi Detailed Map (English)
Korean Henro Map Mt. Dozan Detailed Map (English)
Traditional Chinese Henro Map

Note: The contents of this page can be changed without a previous notice.

Copyright 2024 N. Matsushita